God Is Creator King

Because GOD IS THE CREATOR KING, I know He made me special! I can trust His plan for me!

God's rule is supreme, paramount, and absolute. He has power to do anything that needs to be done.... Amazingly, this great God loves you and me unconditionally, caring for the smallest need of the least of us.Bill Bright, Discover God

God is the Creator and the King of His creation. Building our children's self-esteem begins with this fact.

The foundation for anyone's self-worth is based in the fact that God created everything that exists and that He created us in His image. This fact establishes the value of each life in the sight of God. One of the thrills of parenting is discovering how God's unique fingerprint is expressed in each of our children!

Open your children's eyes to the wonderful reality that each one is God's masterpiece, created in love and perfectly designed for His purpose. Cultivate a confidence in His complete control over all things and His promise that nothing can stop His plan for their life- not a teacher nor a coach, not the betrayal of a friend nor the rejection of a love, not the limitations of our body or our mind. NOTHING can stop His plan! I don't know about you, but now and then I need that reminder myself!

Memory Verse

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.Ephesians 2:10, Discover God Bible, (NLT).