Activity Bible Time Influence Others Drawing/Dramatization Experience

Love Language Game

You will need:

Question cards (print them from the PDF or write the questions out yourself on 3x5 cards)

Blank card or pieces of paper

Pencils or pens

Paper to keep score

How to play:

The youngest person starts by drawing a question card.

Read the card aloud or have someone read it for you.

The person who drew the card is to write down his/her answer to the question--either A. or B. (may ask for help). The person may like both answers but he/she must choose the one they like best.

Everyone else is to write down how they think the person will answer the question.

When everyone is done the person to the right of the starter reads his/her answer and tells why they chose it.

Go around the circle until everyone has shared. Then the starter shares his/her answer and why he/she chose it.

Continue around the circle until all the questions have been asked. If you like, you can go around the circle with each question and let everyone answer the question for themselves and each other before moving to the next question.


Everyone who guessed correctly receives 1 point.

Everyone who did not answer correctly receives no points.

The starter does not receive points in this round.

The person with the most points at the end gets to have the first piece of dessert!

Some questions are more appropriate for older children and some for younger. If a question doesn't work for the child who drew it, have them draw another one.

Adults: answer the question as best you can even though the situations described are from a child's perspective.


While you are enjoying dessert, talk about the five love languages.

Explain what a love language is and what each love language looks like. From the answers you heard during the game, have everyone talk about which love language they think they are and which one they think each person in your family or group is. You could even make hearts for each person and have them write their love language on it and post the hearts somewhere in the house as reminders during the week. (See Click here for hearts that can be printed and cut out).

Close the evening by asking how understanding each others love language will make a difference in how you interact with each other this week.

Discussion Questions:

1. Which Love Language do you think is your primary Love Language?
2. Is anyone surprised by someone else's Love Language? Why?


We recommend you read Dr. Gary Chapman's Book "The Five Love Languages of Your Children." The fun activity you did tonight just scratches the surface of possibilities for understanding the Love Languages. The book will give you insight into how to best love your children and yourself and how to help them love others.

Click here to download the PDF of the Love Language Game Cards.

Card #1

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Bake you something special to eat?
B. Take you for a walk in the park -Just the two of you?

Acts of Service/Quality Time

Card #2

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Wrestle or cuddle with you?
B. Bring you a treat when they come home?

Physical Touch/Gifts

Card #3

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Help you clean or room?
B. Frame a poem that tells you how Much they love you?


Card #4

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Tell you, "I Love You?"
B. Play a game with you?

Affirmation/Quality Time

Card #5

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Tell you how well you are doing at School and/or sports?
B. Help you figure out a tough Homework problem?


Card #6

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Take you to an amuzement park - Just the two of you?
B. Buy you a present?

Quality Time/Gifts

Card #7

For your birthday, would you rather have someone you love give you:

A. A new bike?
B. Take you someplace new - Just the two of you?

Gifts/Quality Time

Card #8

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Fix something for you - Computer, bike, toy?
B. Play basketball or any game you like with you?

Service/Quality Time

Card #9

Would you rather have someone you love give you:

A. A card that tells you all the things they love about you?
B. A small gift from the dollar store?


Card #10

When you are sad, would you rather have someone you love:

A. Hug you?
B. Sit with you and listen?

Physical Touch/Quality Time

Card #11

Would you rather have someone you love:

A. Rub your shoulders?
B. Make your favorite dessert?

Physical Touch/Service

Card #12

When you are sick, which of the following would you want someone you love to do for you?

A. Give you a hug? (Touch)
B. Give you a note telling you that you are loved? (Affirmation)
C. Give you a small gift to make you feel better? (Gifts)
D. Sit with you and read you a story? (Quality Time)
E. Offer to do your chores for you? (Service)

Love Language: Words of Encouragement

NAME: ______________________________

Love Language: Quality Time

NAME: ______________________________

Love Language: Receiving Gifts

NAME: ______________________________

Love Language: Acts of Service

NAME: ______________________________

Love Language: Physical Touch

NAME: ______________________________

"ABIDE" for God is Love
Memory Verse Table Talk
AActivity … Family Fun Activities!
BBible Times … Exploring God's Word together
IInfluencing Others … how can you make a difference?
DDrawing/Drama … exploring your creative side!
EExperience … finding the teachable moments